Big Data Analytics of a massive drug screen by Cell of Origin

We have partnered with a major pharmaceutical company to conduct an unprecedented screen of more than 640,000 compounds that, when combined, could offer new treatments for pediatric cancers that haven’t seen progress in decades such as: Rhabodmyosarcoma, Neuroblastoma, DIPG, ETMR, Wilms’ tumor and Osteosarcoma. The screen has produced a short list of high-priority drugs that will allow cc-TDI to follow the best leads for treating these types of cancer and drive them to clinical trials.

To do this, we will combine machine learning powered by an Intel spin-out and an engineering-forward “Cancer Math” approach to reveal cell signaling inter-dependencies for each cell-of-origin and mutational profile combination. From these aims, we will create a knowledge base not only of tumor cell pathway inter dependencies, but also therapeutic approaches to inducing tumor cell death or myodifferentiation that translate quickly to national & international cooperative group clinical trials.

​If you would like to be part of this historic project, email to learn more.