Portland Today – Trey Foote Foundation

Thanks to Ashley and Drew of KGW8 for bringing awareness to the Trey Foote Foundation and Trey’s heroic battle against osteosarcoma.  See the interview here.    

Scientific American

Esther Landhuis wrote a very thoughtful story about Sandy, Andrew, Kristine & McKenna and the contributions of families to childhood cancer research, as well as the values

our thanks to the Macy Easom Foundation

“Macy’s Team” at cc-TDI is grateful to the Macy Easom Cancer Research Foundation for the recent award of $25,000 that supports our mission to make childhood cancer

Portland Today – Trey Foote Foundation

Thanks to Ashley and Drew of KGW8 for bringing awareness to the Trey Foote Foundation and Trey’s heroic battle against osteosarcoma.  See the interview here.    

Scientific American

Esther Landhuis wrote a very thoughtful story about Sandy, Andrew, Kristine & McKenna and the contributions of families to childhood cancer research, as well as the values

our thanks to the Macy Easom Foundation

“Macy’s Team” at cc-TDI is grateful to the Macy Easom Cancer Research Foundation for the recent award of $25,000 that supports our mission to make childhood cancer